Terrible News

Dear readers

With great sorrow I write to tell you that dear Kirill Tokarev passed away on March 15.


Manaus 2007 1.jpg

Kirill was vacationing in Miami and was struck by a car on February 23 while biking to a naked yoga class.

My name is Alex. Kirill lived for the last year with my family in Harlem, New York. Since his accident his friends and family have worked together to organize his affairs, including getting access to his blog, which we’ve finally accomplished this week.

Kirill was a beautiful man and he is sorely missed.

I know there are many readers and contributors to Active Naturists. Please send comments on how you would like this blog to continue to exist. Feel free also to leave remembrances.

I apologize in advance if the discussion does not go smoothly, as I am still learning how to use this platform.



Ågesta: idyllisk gräsmatta och strand vid sjön i Stockholm


naturist 0001 Agesta, Stockholm, Sweden

Ågesta är en idyllisk plats inom Stockholms stadsgränserDet är det bästa valet bland lokala naturister tack vare den pittoreska Magelungen sjön, liten mysig sandstrand, fin grön gräsmatta omgiven av träd. Det finns också grundläggande bekvämligheter som dusch och picknickbord. Kolla runt bara, så hittar du en bra plats för dig själv, antingen bredvid andra människor eller i ett lugnt hörn.

naturist 0003 Agesta, Stockholm, Sweden

Den plana gräsmattan är utmärkt för att sola, naturligtvis,

naturist 0002 Agesta, Stockholm, Sweden

men det skulle också vara perfekt för många aktiviteter, som volleyboll eller fotboll, yoga, kampsport och whatnot. Synd att lokala naturister verkade inte nytta av detta. Jag lärde min lokala värd, som jag fick veta tack vare TrueNudists nätverk, några grunder av akro-yoga. Vi kan bara drömma om att ha något liknande i New York City! Det var några personer som simmade och i slutet av maj var vattnet tillräckligt varmt för det redan.

naturist 0000 Agesta, Stockholm, Sweden

Jag hörde att Stockholm och Sverige i allmänhet brukade vara ännu mer öppna för naturismen, men attityden förändras med påverkan av försiktig amerikansk kultur och tillströmning av invandrare, som i allmänhet är mer konservativa.

statue 0000 Stockholm, Sweden

I själva staden kunde jag bara se nakna statyer i överflöd, men konstigt nog var min insats att folk troligen skulle känna att inte tolerera om de såg samma sak i köttet …

statue 0001 Stockholm, Sweden

Ändå solade jag naken lite på en avskild plats på ön Långholmen med en fin utsikt över staden. Det finns också ett känt område för att sola naken i den västra delen av ön men tyvärr utan tillgång till vattnet. Förhoppningsvis kommer naturismen snart att accepteras i Sverige, och man behöver inte leta efter dolda fläckar. Under tiden njut Ågesta och andra officiella platser som syns Skandinavisk NaturistPortal.

naturist 0000 Stockholm, Sweden

volando y nadando en cenote Azul (Bacalar, México)


naturist swimming 0007 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

El Cenote Azul es nada menos que un fantástico cuerpo de agua – agua clara y azure que llega súbitamente al abismo tan pronto se deja la orilla.

lake view 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Ya hemos descrito algunos pocos cenotes en la población de Tulum y Mérida, en la Península de Yucatán. Cada cenote es diferente pero éste tiene algo especial. En sí, su esencia es la enormidad, además de estar justo al lado de la mundialmente afamada Laguna de Bacalar.
Así pues, estaba bastante escéptico ante la posibilidad de disfrutar esta maravilla de la naturaleza au naturel, por fortuna estaba Saul George, mi anfitrión local de CS, quien me mostró los alrededores y sabía a dónde ir. La mayor parte de la orilla está cubierta de vegetación y hay un acceso “escondido” del otro lado del área turística con restaurante.

lake view 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

De cualquier modo, ellos no podían ver lo que vestías no vestías bajo el agua.

naturist underwater 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

– o arriba del agua, tampoco

naturist tree 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

¿Y es de esta manera cómo los peces nos ven bajo el agua?

naturist underwater 0007 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

No sólo una linda toma, a menos que estén involucrados con el arte impresionista…

Nosotros, sin embargo, podíamos ver los peces bastante bien en esa agua cristalina y repleta de éstos.

lake fish 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Algunos nadando libremente, y otros apegados a los troncos de árboles bajo el agua.

lake fish 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Así nosotros – volando por encima del abismo azul

naturist swimming 0008 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Con descansos ocasionales al amparo de los árboles sumergidos…

naturist underwater 0008 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Haber nadado en este lugar fue como volar en el borde imaginario entre el viento y el agua…

naturist swimming 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

¿Nos sentimos como aves o murciélagos?

naturist tree 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Al trepar por los árboles en realidad  despertamos algunos murciélagos, mas bien varios.

bats 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

De otra manera no nos hubiéramos percatado de que dormían en las ramas.

bats 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Y fueron de algún modo una inspiración:

naturist diving 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Saltamos desde las ramas de los árboles

naturist swimming 0002 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

y volamos de vuelta hacia el abismo azul.

lake view 0002 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Como lo pueden ver a través de esta historia, el Cenote Azul fue mágico.

naturist swimming 0006 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Es imposible expresarlo realmente con palabras y fotos, pero quizá este video lo logre.

flying and swimming at cenote Azul in Bacalar, Mexico


naturist swimming 0007 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Cenote Azul is nothing less than an amazing body of water – azure, clear water that goes immediately into abyss, right off the edge of its shore.

lake view 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

We’ve already described quite a few cenotes in the vicinity of Tulum and Merida, Yucatan. Each cenote is different, but this one is very special. For once, it’s really huge, for a sinkhole, which it essentially is, and it’s right next the world famous resort at the lake Bacalar.

So, I was very skeptical of a possibility to enjoy this nature’s wonder au naturel, but luckily I had my local CouchSurfing host George to show me around – and he knew where to go. Most of the shore is covered  in vegetation, and there is a “hidden” access across from the tourist area with a restaurant.

lake view 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

They wouldn’t see what you wear not wear under water anyway

naturist underwater 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

– or above water for that matter either 😉

naturist tree 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

And is this how fish see us from below?

naturist underwater 0007 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Not such a pretty picture, unless they are into impressionist art…

We, however, could see the fish very well in that clear water, and plenty of it:

lake fish 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

some swimming freely, and others attached to the underwater tree trunks.

lake fish 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

So were we – soaring above the blue abyss,

naturist swimming 0008 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

with occasional rest at the underwater trees…

naturist underwater 0008 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

Nowhere else did swimming feel so much like flying, with the boundary between air and water seemingly imaginary…

naturist swimming 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

We felt like birds! … or bats?

naturist tree 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

As we climbed the trees, we actually awakened some bats, quite a lot of them!

bats 0001 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

We would never have noticed them sleeping on the trunks otherwise.

bats 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

And they were quite an inspiration:

naturist diving 0000 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

we took off the tree branches

naturist swimming 0002 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

and flew back into the blue abyss!

lake view 0002 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

As you can tell by this story, Cenote Azul felt magical.

naturist swimming 0006 Cenote Azul, Chetumal, Quintana-Roo, Mexico

It’s impossible to really express it with words and photography, but perhaps this video will do a better job.

balneario ‘El Tambo’ de Papallacta, Ecuador


Por un coincidencia, mientras ayer estuve preparando esta entrada sobre una salida con el grupo Nudismo Ecuador, hace un año, ellos fueron al mismo lugar, y pues empiezo con las fotos de su encuentro recién.

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… y continuo con la historia de mi visita: Hace pocos años tuve la idea de viajar a Ecuador o a Perú y, por supuesto busqué opciones para el naturismo. Me pareció que ecuador tenía una comunidad naturista más vibrante con algunos grupos activos. Tuve que cancelar y posponer mi viaje un par de ocasiones, pero hace un año finalmente fui allá y efectivamente encontré una buena cantidad de naturistas locales.

Hay un par de grupos en Quito que se reúnen semanalmente en una piscina con sauna y hacen salidas -con menor frecuencia- a piscinas termales fuera de la ciudad. Aunque Ecuador está ubicado (ya lo habrán adivinado) en la línea ecuatorial, la capital y algunas otras ciudades grandes, tienen un clima marcadamente frío, por estar en las montañas. (Quito es la segunda capital más alta del mundo). De manera que las termas naturales son la mejor opción para hacer nudismo al aire libre. He estado en contacto con uno de los grupos nudistas locales Nudismo Ecuador – desde hace un tiempo, así que, cuando mis planes tomaron forma, me asegure de coordinar un encuentro con ellos. Y salimos una docena de nudistas, entre hombres y mujeres, a una piscina de aguas termales en Papallacta al noreste de Quito.

No hay piscinas naturistas oficialmente calificadas, pero algunas admiten a grupos nudistas con cita previa. Este es el balneario de El Tambo. Si quieres disfrutar del nudismo, coordina con Nudismo Ecuador mediante e-mail.

Junto al estacionamiento hay un sendero de piedras (un poco resbaloso a causa de la llovizna),

view 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

en el que rápidamente nos desnudamos y solo las ovejas nos miraban. Parecían un poco sorprendidas.

naturist 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

A esta altitud de 3.500m sobre el nivel del mar hasta algunas plantas eligen protegerse con una capa de tejido algodonoso.

plants 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Así que, como hacía frío, especialmente bajo la llovizna del Páramo, rápidamente nos metimos en la piscina.

naturist 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Aunque alguno prefirió calentarse corriendo alrededor de la piscina.

naturist 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Pero, una vez dentro del agua, todo fue de lo más relajante… hasta que llegó el resto del grupo y decidimos jugar con una pelota. Habían inventado algo propio y yo tenía mucha curiosidad.

naturist water ball 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Mientras que el volley es muy común en los sitios naturistas

naturist water ball 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

este era más parecido al rugby: anotas tocando el área del gol del equipo contrario.

naturist water ball 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Ya que tienes que correr en el agua, los pases son más frecuentes en este “deporte”,

naturist water ball 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

y hay menos riesgo de golpes y lesiones.

naturist water ball 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Nos lo tomamos muy en serio y celebramos la victoria =)

naturist water ball 0006 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Luego del partido, ya con más calor corporal, nos arriesgamos a hacer una corta caminata por el bosque, a pesar de la llovizna.

naturist 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Algunos de los picos montañosos están cubiertos de nieve y hubiera sido fabuloso verlos mientras caminábamos desnudos o desde la piscina, pero había una espesa capa de nubes bloqueando la vista. (Típico de la zona).

view 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Fuimos hacia abajo, al río.

view 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

En la orilla había un Ojo de Agua termal

view 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

con dramáticos colores parecidos a luces de neón.

naturist 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Toda esa humedad da como resultado una muy densa vegetación.

plants 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Algunas plantas florecían,

plants 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

y los troncos de los árboles estaban cubiertos de helechos, musgo y líquenes.

plants 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Luego de la caminata llegó la hora de regresar a Quito, pero esa ducha de agua caliente fue increíble!

naturist 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

A pesar de que no hay reconocimiento oficial del naturismo en Ecuador, los nudistas locales son realmente muy activos y mi viaje demostró que hay muchas opciones para esta práctica.



thermal pool ‘El Tambo’ in Papallacta, Ecuador


By coincidence, as I was preparing yesterday this blogpost about an outing with the group of Nudismo Ecuador a year ago, they went to the same place; so I am starting with a few photos from their recent trip

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… and continue with the story of my visit: A few years ago I got an idea to travel to either Ecuador or Peru and of course looked up options for naturism; Ecuador seemed to have a much more vibrant naturist community with a few active groups. I had to cancel and postpone my trip a couple of times, but a year ago I finally went there and indeed found a good bunch of local naturists. There is a couple of groups in Quito, with weekly gatherings at a pool with sauna and less frequent outings to thermal pools outside the city. Even though Ecuador is situated (you’ve guessed it!) at the equator, the capital and a few other major cities have pretty cool or even chilly climate being high up in the mountains (Quito is the second highest capital city in the world), so hot springs is a natural choice if you want to hang out naked. I had been in touch with one of the local naturist groups – Nudismo Ecuador – for a while, so when my plans solidified, I made sure to coordinate to meet up with them. So a dozen of us went to the thermal pools of Papallacta east of Quito.

There are no officially designated clothing-optional pools, but some admit naturist groups with prior arrangements. This one is called ‘El Tambo’. If you want to enjoy it sans clothes, coordinate with Nudismo Ecuador by e-mail. After parking, there is a short pebble walkway (quite slippery from the mist),

view 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

on which we stripped off right away, as from then on only sheep could see us. They seemed a bit a amused,

naturist 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

as at this altitude of 3.5km asl, even some plants prefer to have a wooly cover.

plants 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

So, yes, it was quite chilly, especially in the mountain mist, so we quickly proceeded to the pool,

naturist 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

although some preferred to gain some body heat from running around the pool first.

naturist 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

But once we were in, it was pure relaxation… until more group member arrived and we decided to play a ball game. The invented it on their own, so I was curious to try!

naturist water ball 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

While water volleyball is common at naturist resorts,

naturist water ball 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

this one is more reminiscent of rugby: you score by touching the “gate” area of the opponent team.

naturist water ball 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Due to having to run in water, passes are more common in this game,

naturist water ball 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and less chance of injuries from tackling.

naturist water ball 0005 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

We did take it seriously, so the victory was well celebrated =)

naturist water ball 0006 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

After the game, we were certainly warm enough to venture out for a brief hike, even though it was drizzling.

naturist 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Some of the mountain peaks around are covered in snow – it would have been even more amazing to see them while hiking naked or enjoying the pool, but there was a thick cloud blocking the view (typical for the area).

view 0003 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

We went down to a small river,

view 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and on its bank there was a natural thermal spring

view 0004 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

with contrasting, almost neon, colors.

naturist 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

All that moist results in dense vegetation.

plants 0000 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

Some plants were blooming,

plants 0001 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

and tree trunks were covered in ferns, moss and lichens.

plants 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

After the hike, it was already time to go back to Quito, but that hot shower felt amazing!

naturist 0002 balneario Tambo, Papallacta, Ecuador

So even though there is not much official recognition of naturism in Ecuador, local naturists are certainly very active, and my further travel proved that there is plenty of opportunities for naturism!

Naked in Motion – 2 years of nude yoga in New York, and counting

naturist yoga 0000 Naked in Motion, New York City, NY, USA

Naked in Motion‘ is a group of a few yogis in New York City and Boston with a great mission “to create spaces where all people can experience the freedom and empowerment of clothes-free movement without worrying about their safety”, and they have been making lots of buzz in press! So much in fact, that it’s hard to believe they are only two years old. This is particularly encouraging, given that many naturist events and organizations in NYC have recently disappeared, e.g., body-painting dance parties, Zensual yoga, Vita Nuda gatherings and sudden departure of YNA (I certainly miss their Nude Year’s Eve parties).

So, I finally made it to visit ‘Naked in Motion‘ – for their birthday class last Saturday (which only makes more sense to celebrate in birthday suits). The class was led by the founder – Willow,

naturist yoga 0002 Naked in Motion, New York City, NY, USA

and she made sure it was a safe and comfortable experience for all. Before the class, she read ‘Community Rules’ (which also came in the confirmation email). Frankly, I am not a fan of rules, but I may be just used to being in the naturist environment, where there is usually no need for such rules to be told explicitly – I  heard from other newcomers that they appreciated this approach. The major part of the rules ensures that the environment is non-sexual and body-positive, and a subset is aimed to women and transgender people in particular, as they may have additional hurdles on their way to feeling comfortable in their own skin.

naturist yoga 0003 Naked in Motion, New York City, NY, USA

After all, ‘self-kindness’ seems to be the major goal of this class. You can read more about this approach and mission of ‘Naked in Motion’ on their website, as well as in their numerous interviews – from local New York Post and Time Out New York to Today News Africa.

As this was a celebratory event, it ended with some food (even naked yogis love pizza), mocktails, and socializing – not surprisingly, but totally unexpectedly, I bumped into some friends from Sandy Hook. In the absence of the beach during winter, such events are only more appealing!

naturist yoga 0001 Naked in Motion, New York City, NY, USA

My excuse for taking so long to this class is that I have a luxury of having a weekly private yoga gathering where I live, and I would certainly go back frequently, if I didn’t have this luxury. Given that Naked in Motion provides several classes a week right by Penn Station, there is no excuse to not check out their class if you live in New York metropolitan area (or visiting) and up for some naked yoga. My next visit will be for pilates though – I’ve never done it before, and I love trying new things in the buff!

And to sum up, here is a minute-long documentary about them.

camp Gymnasium at Burning Man 2017

Just on time, as Burning Man kicks off its ticket madness today, here is a recollection of events at our theme camp Gymnasium and beyond in 2017. If you would like to get engaged with our camp this year in any way, please e-mail us or leave a comment to this post! You can read more about the concept of our camp on its webpage, but overall our theme refers to the Ancient Greek institution for athletics, philosophy and socializing.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0000 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Traditionally, our first even was a running race – from the esplanade to our camp at 7:30 Plaza.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0001 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Being on the first day of the festival, the race was dominated by our own campmates,

naturist camp Gymnasium 0002 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

and the winner turned out to be yours truly 😉

naturist camp Gymnasium 0003 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

This time, we no longer used laurel wreaths ordered online – instead, we had them hand-made by two campmates from the Netherlands. They added a bit of a Dutch twist to it though: judging by the shape of the leaves, it was more of a ‘weed’ wreath 😀

Our Gymnasium also featured a massage station,

naturist massage camp Gymnasium 0004 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

especially popular after sport events, and some lucky winners even got a four-hand massage.

naturist massage camp Gymnasium 0000 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Even though our theme camp was first conceived with an idea to revive the ideals of the Ancient Olympics, we keep on adding more elements to have a more complete ‘gymnasium’ in its original meaning – with philosophical discussions and arts as well.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0007 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

2017 saw our first installment of a pottery workshop, which was a lot of fun, for campmates and guests alike!

naturist camp Gymnasium 0005 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

It all started with a block of clay.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0006 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

and after rolling a few pieces, we moved on to creating vessels using the coiling method.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0008 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Of course, our inspiration came from Ancient Greek vases,

naturist camp Gymnasium 0011 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

more specifically, of black-figure type

naturist camp Gymnasium 0012 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

(but not without some Burning Man twist to it).

naturist camp Gymnasium 0013 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Though only the most determined students remained until that stage of the workshop 😀

In 2016, we pumped up the acrobatics compartment of our Gymnasium by adding a gymnastics wheel, aptly fitting to that year’s theme of Burning Man,

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0016 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

but in 2017 one of the campmates brought and entire aerial rig!

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0014 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Needless to say, it was a very popular attraction among our guests


and campmates alike.

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0003 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Some poses seemed easier

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0007 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

than the others,

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0006 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

but all of them evoked flying!

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0009 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

The gymnastics wheel was busy too,

naturist aerial camp Gymnasium 0001 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

but not everyone needed equipment for their acrobatic tricks!

naturist camp Gymnasium 0036 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Surely, there was also plenty of fun to be had and art to be seen outside our camp,

naturist camp Gymnasium 0014 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

and we had a couple of group outings.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0016 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

A great aspect of art at Burning Man is that it is interactive,

naturist camp Gymnasium 0017 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

and 2017 was particularly good in this respect.

naturist camp Gymnasium 0019 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Many art pieces were calling to incorporate you, to become their part!

naturist Jesus Gymnasium 0020 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

The Tree of Ténéré was certainly one of the most popular installations day and night (you can see it by night in the video above).

naturist camp Gymnasium 0022 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

This cylinder of LED stripes seemed like a pretty simple construction,

naturist camp Gymnasium 0023 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

but once you got inside and someone spun it, it would turn into an amazing spectacle of color!

naturist camp Gymnasium 0024 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Inside this red circular tunnel, one could feel like on a spaceship mission.

And Incendia was our favorite sound camp to dance [naked] at night –

naturist fire at Incendia 0027 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

their roof was on fire, literally! 2017 was a hot year at Burning Man, but the nights were still quite chilly, so that fire felt nice.

fire at Incendia 0028 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

It was hypnotizing to observe the fire from below, but if that wasn’t enough,

fire at Incendia 0029 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

you could use special viewing glasses that multiplied the visual input.

naturists partying at Incendia 0031 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

We first saw this camp at FreeForm Festival in 2016, but at Burning Man their installation was much bigger. And thanks to that fire, we could dance naked all night long – till sunrise!

sunrise at Incendia 0034 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

I was gifted glasses that transformed any source of light into a heart ❤ shape, so when I tried them with the rising sun, it was amazing!

The DJ who played that night – Seth Schwarz – was really good, my major music discovery of 2017. Along with mixing records, he played an electric violin, and it wasn’t just a gimmick but an essential and natural part of his set.

Seth Schwarz at Incendia 0033 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

… Well, and if you have heard about our camp before, by this time you must be wondering about our famous naked oil wrestling. Of course this was the main feature of Gymnasium again!

naturist wrestling camp Gymnasium 0070 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

Unfortunately, there was a mistake in the Burning Man app and  info center that showed our camp in a completely wrong location, which we found out only after a couple of days, but we still had a good attendance of our most popular event.

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We had three wrestling events, with a winner in each, and one was particularly memorable. Despite seemingly having a disadvantage,

naturist wrestling camp Gymnasium 0002 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

he knew what he was doing

naturist wrestling camp Gymnasium 0006 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

and sent his opponents out of the ring with ease!

naturist wrestling camp Gymnasium 0004 Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV, USA

That golden laurel weed wreath was well deserved!

And here is a video with clips from some of the matches, enjoy!

Are you going this year? Let us know and join our events!

WNBR en la ciudad de México (2017)


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Han pasado unos meses desde el devastador terremoto en la Ciudad de México. Esperemos que se recuperen pronto y queden mejor de como estaban antes. Vi bastante de esta ciudad en junio durante uno de los eventos más divertidos que uno pueda imaginar: ¡el World Naked Bike Ride! Ya durante mi primer WNBR en 2009 en Madrid (también conocida como “marcha ciclonudista”), estaba claro que esas rodadas eran una excelente forma de ver la ciudad, y en compañía de cientos de personas desnudas. ¿Puedes pensar de un mejor tour de la ciudad? Y todo es por una buena causa para promover el ciclismo como mejor modo de transporte en respuesta a la creciente contaminación y sobrepoblación. La desnudez aquí ayuda para promover el mensaje: los ciclistas usan solamente energía del cuerpo humano (¡entonces a mostrar ese cuerpo!) y aún de que somos los más propensos a la verdadera indecencia del tráfico y la contaminación que dejan los vehículos.

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Y no da pesar tener algunos mensajes directos escritos en esos cuerpos desnudos, por eso en el inicio del evento, muchas personas hacen body-painting y decoran sus cuerpos de una forma divertida y creativa. Yo tenía “energía pura” escrito en mi pierna,

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y este chico “frágil”,

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otro nos recordó de mantener la distancia de 1.5m de separación de los coches,

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otros sólo constaban su gusto por andar en bicicleta,

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etc, etc.

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Y esta pareja paseaba un mensaje sobre el ridículo enfoque de la sociedad hacia la aceptación del cuerpo sin palabras pero usando un bañador (uno entre los dos =)

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El WNBR une a todo tipo de personas,

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y desnudos, hasta nos sentimos más unidos.

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¡Incluso el Presidente del país vecino del Norte se unió al WNBR en la Ciudad de México!

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¡Jaja! Bueno, eso pudo haber sido demasiado revolucionario, pero con sus ideales sobre el cambio climático y la falta de respeto hacia los cuerpos (por lo menos de las mujeres), esto debió haber sido sólo sarcasmo. De cualquier modo, uno de los cantos que se escucharon en el WNBR de la Ciudad de México fue “si Zapata viviera, en bici anduviera”. Pero él ya no anda por aquí, y otros políticos prominentes notablemente no aparecen en el WNBR. Así que, ¿sólo tenemos esperanza en super héroes?

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De hecho eventos como el WNBR muestran cómo todos podemos ser una solución, especialmente si actuamos juntos.

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Como siempre en eventos nudistas masivos como este, fue interesante observar la reacción del público, y mientras que la mayoría se veían intrigados por la marcha, otros no estuvieron tan contentos.

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De alguna forma sería de ayuda si no sólo el público general si no también algunos negocios reconocieran el valor de este tipo de eventos (a pesar de que tal vez algún repartidor de Uber Eats se nos unió mientras regresaba de trabajar).

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Pues bien, los servicios de renta de bicicletas serían obviamente los más interesados en esto, ¡y de hecho había algunos ofreciendo descuentos para el WNBR en México!

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Siempre es bonito ver a otros medios de transporte impulsados por el propio cuerpo en estas rodadas, como las patinetas y patines así como varias formas de bicicletas: tandem,

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Y esta escultura parece que estaba participando también, a pesar de que atrajo un poco menos de atención.

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Tuvimos una breve parada en el Auditorio Nacional en la avenida de Paseo de la Reforma,

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Pero algunas personas también se detuvieron para tomarse fotos con la escultura de Alas de México. Este es aparentemente uno de las cosas más fotografiadas en la Ciudad de México (bueno, de hecho está perfectamente montada para una buena foto), pero supongo que no hay muchas posibilidades de tomarte una foto desnudo ahí, a pesar de que su escultor, Jorge Marín, seguramente lo aprobaría, ya que la mayoría de sus creaciones son desnudos o semi-desnudos.

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Después de eso, estábamos de regreso en las calles,

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En el verdadero espíritu del World Naked Bike Ride.

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No como en Nueva York, pero parecido a como en otras de las grandes ciudades en las que se realiza el WNBR, esta manifestación aquí fue sancionada y apoyada por la policía. La ruta tiene que ser coordinada desde antes y cambia cada año. Algunas veces va a través de más partes de la ciudad, otras veces menos; este año la ruta cubría una buena sección del centro, pero aparentemente ha habido rodadas más largas en la historia de este evento. Terminamos en el mismo punto en el que iniciamos, lo cual fue bueno para tomar algunas fotos con otro importante: el Monumento a la Revolución.

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Con tantos participantes, al final había todavía algunos que no había visto durante la rodada y que tenían pinturas interesantes en sus cuerpos (estilo Día de los Muertos),

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…o nada de body paint.

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Había también un vendedor ambulante con nieve, lo cual fue perfecto después de la rodada.

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Disfruté por unos minutos el simple hecho de estar desnudo en la calle, como si fuera otro día en la ciudad… pero sin ropa.

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¡Uno puede soñar! Pero el WNBR ciertamente ayuda con la aceptación del cuerpo y así puede hacer que ese sueño se vuelva realidad!

Aquí está un bonus, un video de 15 minutos de la excursión a través del centro de la Ciudad de México con un montón de personas desnudas.

WNBR – Mexico City 2017


naturist 0033 WNBR World Naked Bike Ride, Mexico

It’s been a month since the devastating earthquake in Mexico City, and let’s hope it will recover well, to be better than before. I saw quite a bit of this city in June during one of the most fun events imaginable: the World Naked Bike Ride! Already in my first ever WNBR – in Madrid 2009 – it was clear that such rides provide an amazing way to see the city, and in the company of hundreds naked (or so) people. Can you think of a better city tour? And it’s all for a great cause to promote cycling to be the major mode of urban transportation in response to ever increasing pollution and overpopulation. Nudity here helps to get the message across: cyclists use the pure power of human body (so, show that body!) – and yet we are the ones who are most prone to the truly indecent exposure to the traffic and vehicle pollution.

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And it doesn’t hurt to get some more specific messages written on those naked bodies, so in the beginning of the event, many people spend time with body-painting and decorating themselves in other funny and creative ways. I had ‘energía pura’ written on my thigh,

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and this guy – ‘fragile’,

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another reminded to keep the distance of 1.5 m away from cars (‘distancia de autos 1.5 m’),

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others just acknowledged their love to cycling,

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etc etc.

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And this couple conveyed a message about society’s ridiculous approach toward body acceptance without words but by wearing a bathing suit – one between the two of them =)

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WNBR brings all kinds of people together,

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and naked, we feel even more united.

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Even the President north of the border joined WNBR in Mexico City!

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Haha! Oh well, that would have been quite revolutionary, but with his views on climate change and lack of respect to (at least female) bodies, this must have been just a sarcasm. By the way, one of the chants at the WNBR in Mexico City was ‘si Zapata viviera, en bici anduviera’ (if Zapata lived, he would go by bike). But he is not around anymore, and other prominent politicians are notably absent from the WNBR. So, can we only hope for superheroes?

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Well, actually events like WNBR show that we all can be a solution, especially if we act together.

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As always at such mass naked events, it was interesting to observe reaction of the public, and while the majority seemed to be quite intrigued by the parade, some were not as amused.

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Certainly it’ll be helpful if not only general public but some businesses recognize the value of such events (though maybe that ‘Uber eats’ guy  just joined us on the way from work).

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Well, bike rental services would be the most obvious interested party, and actually there were some offering special deals for WNBR in Mexico!

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It is always nice to see other body-powered modes of transportation at these rides, such as skateboards and roller blades, as well as various forms of bicycles – tandem,

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And this sculpture was seemingly participating too, though it attracted a bit less attention.

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We had a brief stop at Auditorio Nacional on the avenue of Paseo de la Reforma,

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but quite a few people also stopped to take pictures with the sculpture of Alas de México (Wings of Mexico). This is apparently one of the most photographed places in Mexico City (well, as it is obviously set up perfectly for a portrait), but I guess there are not many possibilities to take a nude photo there, even though its sculptor, Jorge Marín, would surely approve that, as most of his creations are nude or almost nude.

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After that, we were back to the streets,

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in the true spirit of the World Naked Bike Ride.

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Unlike in New York City, but similar to other major cities that host WNBR, this manifestation here was sanctioned and supported by police. The route has to be coordinated in advance and changes every year. Sometimes it goes through more parts of the city, sometimes fewer; this year it covered a decent section of the center, but apparently there’ve been longer rides in its history. We ended at the same spot where we started, which was nice to take some photos with another landmark – Monumento a la Revolución.

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With so many participants, in the end there were still some that I hadn’t seen during the ride with interesting body paint (Día de los muertos style),

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… or no body paint at all.

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There also was a street vendor with ice-cream, which was perfect after the ride.

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And I enjoyed a few minutes of just being naked on the street, as if it was just another day in the city… but without clothes.

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One can dream! But World Naked Bike Ride certainly helps with body acceptance and thus may make that dream come true!

Here is a bonus – a 15-minute video excursion through the center of Mexico City with a bunch of naked people.