celestial bodies at Sandy Hook


Now that the beach season is open in NYC, here is a recap of last year’s fun times at Sandy Hook, and to complete the full circle (and start the new one!) – a couple of photos from the first beach day this year. (Well, first beach day here – as you know, I was in Miami in March :-))

Before I forget, here are useful links for the Seastreak Ferry that goes to Sandy Hook: two $25 dollar offers – Groupon 1 and Groupon 2; and $30 coupon from  website (regular price for return ticket is hefty $45).


I’ve written on Gunnison Beach of Sandy Hook on multiple occasions (just do a search for “sandy hook” on this website for more); so if you’ve read my blog for a while, you know it’s a kind of beach where you go with with a group of friends, and even if you go alone, you end up with with a few friends anyways 🙂

naturist 0012 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

… just sometimes you need to dig them up from the sand!

naturist jump

With my friends, our beach day is rarely a passive pastime, as we literally jump around, and frolic in all ways possible.

naturist 0009 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

While I did some acro-yoga with one David, I was happy to see another David to be almost fully recovered after his surgery and back to do his gymnastics tricks, including a backflip.

naturist flip

Looking forward to doing more gymnastics and capoeira with him this year, just like we did it two years ago! If you’re there, feel free to join us 🙂

I did report about our ball games at Sandy Hook last year, and I hope to do only more of these year. It’d be awesome if we could manage to play foot-volley,

naturist 0007 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

though unfortunately one of my best friends who was good at football juggling has moved to Hawaii.

naturist 0010 Sandy Hook, NJ, USAnaturist 0008 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

As the evening approaches, the beach is emptying out and calms down.

sunset and crescent moon 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

If you stay till sunset, you may be a witness of a grand show provided by our two brightest celestial bodies.

crescent moon 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

Last year, I discovered that there is a campground on Sandy Hook. Unfortunately, if you want to stay on the weekend, you have to reserve it well in advance (most Fri and Sat nights for this summer have been booked out already)! The campground itself is not nude-friendly, but you can go back to the beach and experience it like never before.

night naturist 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

These are pictures from Christian and Giorgio –

night naturist 0002 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

they were inspired by the full moon.

night naturist 0003 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

But if you are not lucky enough to capture the full moon,

night naturist 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

you can enjoy the lights of a different kind:

night NYC view 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

New York City at night provides quite a spectacle too.

night NYC view 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

However, I was looking forward to seeing sunrise at Sandy Hook, as the beach faces eastwards.

sunrise 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

Arriving to the beach just before sunrise, to our surprise we were not the first ones, but it was still very different from a day scene there.

sunrise NYC view 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

Well, and even the ‘city that never sleeps’ looked kind of sleepy in those pale morning colors. But the sun was about to come out,

sunrise 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

and we looked away from the city skyline. I don’t see sunrise very often, and there is always something inherently exciting about seeing the rise of our parent star.

sunrise 0003 Sandy Hook, NJ, USAsunrise 0005 Sandy Hook, NJ, USAsunrise 0006 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

It was even more exciting to experience that naked; not to mention that even in August, dawn time is a bit chilly, so the first rays of the sun were very much welcome on my skin!

sunrise 0007 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

The  beach was still pretty empty,

sunrise NYC view 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

and shorebirds such as plovers certainly took advantage of that.


It is always funny to see how they follow retreating water in search of newly revealed food

plovers 0002 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

and then hastily run away from approaching waves. They literally live on the edge… of the ocean.

plovers 0003 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

And here is a couple of photos from my first day at Sandy Hook this year – this past Monday. That was apparently the last week until the end of summer when Gunnison Beach was open in its entire length, as already this weekend part of it was closed for an endangered plover species to build nests in the dunes.

shrine 0000 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

No, this is not how plovers’ nests look like. Somebody had built parts of this construction, but then I found it destroyed by the strong wind later in the day. I repaired this “shrine”,

shrine 0001 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA adding an animalistic twist to it. Well, to me it was just an artistic expression, but I can bet that if it ever gets fossilized and then later discovered by future archaeologists, they will get some twisted story to explain it 😀

naturist 0015 Sandy Hook, NJ, USA

By the way, I have a strong suspicion of who might have initiated this construction, as someone I got to know last year built something of this kind but even more impressive. This summer has just begun though, so surely we’ll have more stories to share from this amazing place!

19 thoughts on “celestial bodies at Sandy Hook

  1. Pingback: Active Naturists
  2. Thank you for the information – tips . I want to visit this weekend . Are there any other campsites you could recommend – say within an hours drive or inexpensive places to stay ?


  3. The only time I’m in the mood to be naked is when it’s really hot or I’m really horny. The rest of the time I feel more safe and secure with clothing. Even being naked on a 74-degree day, there’s still a breeze, and I feel better with the loving protection of soft cotton all around me. Being naked contrastingly feels cold and harsh most of the time, which is unpleasant when the sexual thrill isn’t there.


  4. My wife and I went to Gunnison for the first time a couple of weeks ago. The first time that we were there, it is was windy and even though the air temperature was high, it was cold and the blowing sand was a bother. The second time we got there earlier and there was little wind and it was a wonderful time.

    The beach itself is gorgeous, very deep as well as long. If you are shy you can find a place somewhere where you can be mostly left alone. We walked the beach and watched the nude fisherfolk and collected rocks and shells.

    Also note that this is a clothing optional beach and not nude beach. There are cameras and gawkers. I spied two middle aged, fully-clothed men, with binoculars, checking out all of the women. Some people never outgrow their adolescence. After seeing enough nude bodies you would think the attraction would fade. This made my wife exceedingly uncomfortable. The beach was also about 80% men.

    We were told about the beach closure and that made us sad. We are from Canada and I could imagine the disappointment if we had arrived and found this beach closed. There are lots of regulars and the nudists are friendly. We had volunteers to take photos of us beside the “Clothing Optional, Beyond this point you may see nude sunbathers” sign and despite the reputation for New Yorkers/ New Jerseyans being unfriendly we found it to be to the contrary.

    Go if you get the chance.


  5. I was thinking about visiting a nude beach for the cheap thrill of being nude in public, but I couldn’t think of any legitimate activity to do on the beach. I mean, I never even go the normal half-naked beaches. So, I decided not to go.

    I’m also worried I would be distracted by some hot naked girls who might not want to have sex with me. How do all you homosexual guys resist the temptation to have sex with each other when you’re all naked?


    1. you crack me up! 😀
      First, why do you assume we’re “all homosexual guys”? Why does it even matter in the context of this website? Sexual activities are outside of the theme. As you can actually see in this blogpost and others here, there are plenty of legitimated things to do at the beach besides trying to get laid, so we keep ourselves busy. Once you’re used to nudity, it’s rather person’s behavior that turns you on than the mere fact that they’re naked.


      1. Matthew has shown us why there is so much distrust and negativism towards nudism. The naked human body is automatically viewed as a sexual object, seeking sex. There are those who do engage in sexual activities, however the presence or absence of clothing makes no difference to them. One can learn to view the naked human in a different context. I only enjoy been naked in desolate areas, around the fewest people or with very close friends. Some of the blog’s owner photos appear to place focus on male sexual organs, which may be seen by others as homoeroticism and homosexual behavior….just how I see it.


        1. There is a cultural divide between gays and straights that continues to exist. I have a gay brother and GLBT friends so know a bit about this. Personally people are people, but there are lingering holdovers from the past when gays were discriminated against and had to meet in secret.

          Some beaches have a physical divide to reflect this, with both a gay end and a straight end. Most of the gays that I know like the company of straight people, but a few still feel safer and prefer the company of like minded people. Straight people need to relax way more around the company of gays. Let them be who they are.

          That being said, there is much more sexual activity among gays on nude beaches. I have witnessed it first hand. It can be as simple as parading up and down and displaying the genitals to signals to hook up off the beach. Some beaches are more known for this than others. My wife is very leery of nude beaches because of the behaviour of a few, that spoil it for all, including most gays, who just want to be left alone. I saw nothing like this on Gunnison. I have to do a sell job to get her to go to a nude beach and none to go to a nude resort. Her experience at Gunnison will make it easier for me to convince her in the future.


  6. Here is my local resident “freebie” secret: if you drive to Sandy Hook BEFORE 7 AM, YOU GET THE VEHICLE PASS FOR FREE FOR THAT DAY. Most locals go there at 6 AM and get the pass and go back somewhere to have brunch and then show up later at Gunnison Beach! Also, if I have two more people in my rental car to sum up to three people, with any regular E-Z PASS tag, the tunnel or bridge fare to NYC becomes $5.75 regardless of the time (Rush or Off-Peak).


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